The Human Evil (Devil) has destroy all of them. Human is the Criminel.
The Time has come to Judge the Destroyer, the Human Rebelle.
Enough is enough. It is Time to rebuild the Temple Earth. It is Time to start building the Kingdom of the God, the Kingdom of the Lightness, because the Time of the Kingdom of the Darkness has FINISHED. And the Humans, the Army of the Darkness(Demons) has LOST.
All its legions; races, nations, clasess, kings, elites, governments, princes, and their cloths, flags, symbols, gold, silver, crown and chairs, castles and temples are going to be crashed all at once as the grapes which make the WINE, the wine which the Angry God of All will drink. He will punish the rebelle servants and He will rebuild His Temple, the Earth, the Holy Temple which He did build for humans, who became demons the destroyers. Will the Humans refuse now the Rebuilding of their Home, the Earth's Temple? NO.
Humans, the hipocrites who were born and live in the Time of the Kingdom of the Darkness, prayed and worshiped the walls and stones, man made temples and statues, and they called them holy and God's. But they were wrong, because you can not worship to the Light's Kingdom when you live in the Darkness, when you are blind. You can not know the Light and Day, when you are born and grow in the Darkness of the Night.
Can you worship to the Sun and Light when you live and serve in the Kingdom of the Darkness? Can you worship the Day when you know only the Night (where you were born and grow up) without knowing anything about the Day and Light? NO.
The Time has come for the Light to come down to those who live in the dark and light and change the Temple Earth. Humans can never do what the God, the Sun of All, the Light can do.
Will humans, the servant willcome their King? NO.
Can the blind who lived all the time in the Dark worship and love the Light, the Sun Rising?
Humans have never experienced the true Light, the Day's Kingdom in the Past NIGHT.
Yet they did build in their Night's Kingdom, the stone sanctuaries dedicated to the Light?
How cud they worship to something that they never knew and dont know and dont understand?
They must wake up first and see the Sun of the New Day, know the Light and than worship it.
Now they refuse to wake up, to leave their Darkness, their Blindness. Why? Because the Light is to strong for them, because it is the Light of the God of All, the Light of the Creator of the people and their Temple Earth. People can not leave their Darkness. They can not leave their Sleep. They fear the Sun.
But the Morning of the New Day started and for them there is still Dark and Night.
They want to build a Temple made of stones like in the Past. Can that be build now ?
1 1. A Temple for all people can be build soon as a respect and love for the God, the Creator of all Humanity and Earth, or
2.there can be build one sanctuary for each of the 3 main religions in the City; the existing Al Aksa Mosque for all Moslyms, the New Temple for all Jews and the New Church for all Christians.
Both choices will bring Unity, Love and Peace.
Together with the Present Sanctuary of their old prophets (the Dome of the Rock) these beautiful buildings will be 4 most important parts (sanctuaries) of the Holy Mountain where people of the world will come to visit and worship freerly to the God, the One God of All.
So the whole Mountain will be a Man made New Temple. That can happen now. Noone can refuse and stop the people praying to their God. Noone can stop people rebuilding the Temple.
When they will wake up, when the New Day "start for them", and they will start rebuilding the Temple made of Stones for the God of All as they want, as they use to do when they were living in the Past, in the Night's Time( in the Darkness), but that is not enough, because the humans were created to love and rebuild,to take care and perfect the Temple Earth, to love and worship the Real God's Temple.
And the God of All ' s Temple is not small, it is not made by some few wood or stones, old or new. The present man made sanctuaries are not that important to the God more than His Holy Beatiful Temple, the Earth which He created as a Home for all humans.
Earth is the True Holy Temple to whom everyone must look,love, worship, clean, restore, rebuild and perfect (Not the few Stones, statues or tradits and ceremonies).
Earth is the beautiful Temple which humans have destroyed and that it is just a small part, a small "stone" of the Bigger Temple, the Unlimited Universe, the Heaven.
The Universe is the true big and beautiful God's Temple which humans can not enter and destroy. They did destroy enough their own Temple, their Home, their Life. That must STOP.
The GOD OF ALL, THE CREATOR can not tolerate the destraction of His Creation. So the Time has come to stop the Rebellion and Change and restore and perfect the Earth, our Holy Temple.
Now it is Time to Rebuild it. All humans, as an ex-army of the demons, which lost the battle against the God, the Creator, now are all slaves and therefore they must change and be parts of the Army of the Lightness, serve to the God, their KING.
They are not anymore solders of the Darkness Army, because their castle, their kingdom, their power; the Night and Darkness finished. They are all destroyed and so are all the legions of the Evil Army who fighted against the God, the Undefeated Power.
Now it is time to change, to reborn. That is more important to the God; the rebuilding of the holy temple inside the human being and that should be clean and perfect together with the Earth's Temple, because they are connected. Will the humans change; rise up and perfect themselves?
Yes. They will rise from the dead. They will leave the Darkness Army. The New Time, the New Millenium is the Beggining of the New Day, the Time of the New Kingdom of the Lightness, and the 'slaves' must now wake up and start working to rebuild the destroyed Holy Temple, the Earth. There are many slaves who still rebelle and dont listen, dont wake up and refuse to the call, ignoring so seeing the Sun in the sky. But they are lost.They have no choice, but to wake up, to rise up, to reborn, because their power, the Night, the Darkness is gone. So they have no power to rebelle anymore, but to see the Light and wake up, stand up and go to work, to do what they hate most; the Rebuilding of the Temple Earth.
This new change and work will transform them from human demons to humans angels. So the beast finally will change and be holy.There will not be anymore Hipocrisy and Hate, Destraction and Killing, Rebellion and Death, because the Human Beast, the Devil is slaved, nailed, the human is punished and forced to change, to leave the darkness and see the Light, the Sun of All, the God. Can the Human Devil handle that? Can he come out of the Blindness to see the Light?
Can Human really see and know the Light? Yes, He will. He will be forced to open the eyes and see the Light, and let it enter inside his darkness, inside his body, soul and mind and change them, light them, wake up them and bring to them Light and Life.
So the dead walking man will rise, reborn, live again in the End. Untill now the Humanity was living in the Dark Cave which was his Grave. It was said that the dead will get out the grave and live and so it will happen. Human demons and vampires (zombies) dont have other choice but to see the Sun and RISE. There is no time to wait because the Morning finished already and the sun is up in the sky. Now it is time to rush awakening, standing up, and getting out of the Cave, out of the grave, out of the Darkness, out of the Blidness. God is waiting for them to see His Sun, His Light and start a New Life, the Life of the Living, because the Time of the Life of the Dead has alredy finished.
So who is now first awake from the human demons? Which of the legions of the dark army is ready to work for the Sun light's army? Which servant or human soldier is now ready to serve to the New Kingdom, to the New day, to build, prefect and protect the New Castle, the New Temple, the New Earth?
"behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall shine upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee"
The sun, the Light of the Lord will shine and it is written that his glory shall be SEEN.